ForeCyt Reference Guide (Version 8)



The Export function opens to a drop-down menu with variety of export options.




Export – Experiment

Exporting an Experiment opens a window that allows you to browse folders on your hard drive and save your experiment as a .IEX file.


Export – Experiment as Template

Export Experiment as a Template opens a window that allows you to browse folders on your hard drive and save your experiment as an .IET file—an IntelliCyt template file.


Export – Plates to CSV

ForeCyt provides the capability to export the protocol from each plate in CSV data as a CSV file (Comma Separated Values). No FSC data or analyses such as gates and plates are included. The output is an Excel file that looks similar to the following example.


Export- FCS Data

You can Export the FCS data from your experiment to your hard drive as a .IEX file. When you select FCS Data, a window opens and you can browse for a folder or create a new folder in which to save it as illustrated in the following screen shot.


If there is a Spillover Matrix associated with the experiment, ForeCyt will ask if you want to include it.



Export – FCS Data From All Plates

Exporting all FCS data is a bulk export if you have data from multiple plates.



Export – FCS Data to Text File

This function exports your data to a .txt (Note Pad) file. This will be a huge file if you have even a modestly complex experiment. The following screen shot is a tiny portion of the .txt output of an experiment. This format shows the actual values and can be imported into Excel or other applications for certain specialized analysis. The Export is for the entire plate. Each line is an event, however, there is no way to tell which well is associated with the event.



Export – All Well FCS Data

You can export well FCS data to a folder you select on your hard drive. As shown in the following screenshots there are two radio buttons for specifying output: Raw FCS Data and Gated Data. When you click Gated Data you can choose specific populations.


Export – All Well FCS Data From All Plates

This is a bulk export function. When you select it, a dialog opens and you can browse for the file. If you click the Gated Data radio button a drop-down menu allows you to select the Population from All Events.